P. 16
Not better, not worse – just different
Donkeys are great at: Flexi Foxes are great at:
▪ Keeping to what they believe in and ▪ Adapting to change
staying loyal to a cause or passion; for
▪ Being emotionally flexible: being able
example, supporting a football team
to look at the big picture and positives
even when they keep losing, or
and feel ok again quickly after a
staying friends with someone who is
not so popular.
▪ Being socially flexible – able to
▪ Saying no to things that are unsafe or compromise and give up a bit of what
unkind, even when other people are they wanted for everyone to feel good.
pressuring them to do it.
▪ Seeing different perspectives
▪ Keeping going and staying on track ▪ Changing from one task to another
even when others change their mind.
▪ Thinking of different solutions.
▪ Persuading and inspiring people.
▪ Keeping to the rules.