Page 16 - Parent & Carer Summary of The Empowerment Approach 2023
P. 16


                                                             Is my brain thinking about   Is my brain thinking about   Is my brain and body feeling   Is lack of exercise/too much
        Is my brain and body       Is my brain and body      any discomfort or pain?    my skin feeling too hot or   tired and sleep deprived?  screen time at play?
        dehydrated?                needing energy?
                                   Do I need to have a nutritious,                      Can I cool down or heat up in
        Do I need to drink some water?                       Can I reduce the pain in any                                                    How can I help my body to feel
        Is this often a problem? What   brain energising snack? Is this   way? Is this often a problem? Is   any way? Is this often a   How can I energise myself for   better right now (e.g. walk
                                                                                        problem? Can I improve my
                                                                                                                   now? How can I improve my
                                   often a problem? What action
        could I do to improve my   could solve this in the long   there any action that may   temperature control in the   sleep in the longer term?   outside). How about in the
        hydration in the long term?                          improve it in the long term?                                                    longer term?
                                   term?                                                longer term?
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