Page 79 - De Escalation for Helen
P. 79

Organisational Systems and Processes

      THREAT-REDUCING NOT                       CALM, FAST, PLANNED                                   FOLLOW-UP WHICH IS INSISTENT,
      THREAT INDUCING                           RESPONSES                                             PERSISTENT, CONSISTENT WITH A

      SYSTEMS                                                                                         BUCKETFUL OF KINDNESS
                                                We have clear systems so when a child
                                                dysregulates, there is a calm, fast                   We follow-up consistently.
      Our systems are designed to               response which is supportive of the

      help children re-regulate and                                                                   We hold children to account in ways
      get back on track – not                   child whilst protecting the rights of                 that reduces brain threat, preserves

      escalate the threat response.             others.
                                                                                                      the relationship and keeps children
                                                For children we know struggle to                      out of the punishment cycle.
      Our systems are                           regulate, we work with them to create

      underpinned by                            plans for when they feel overwhelmed.                 We follow-up in ways which address
      neurobiology and                          We are proactive, not reactive.                       unmet needs and build missing skills.

      purposefully designed to
      support re-regulation.                    We separate in the moment from
                                                follow-up. We know this is not about

                                                winning battles – it is a process of
                                                improved skills and better met needs.
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