Page 3 - WEALD S1 COACHING 06.05.2022
P. 3


   1. The Empowerment Approach combines high expectations within a spirit of consistent, persistent and insistent support. The

        message should be: “We are not prepared to let you fail and leave without the skills to do well. We care too much”.

   2. Getting the processes right and tight is essential.

   3. Coaching Conversations should take place with the adult who initially dealt with the issue. The idea would be to shift the

        spirit of the current systems (detentions) into a coaching model. It will need careful introduction so it does not default back
        to feeling punitive to students.

   4. Ideally, this team will become skilled and confident in Coaching Conversations so they can support and model to other

        staff.  It is important staff feel supported in carrying out Coaching Conversations and the quality of them is monitored –
        otherwise they could be ineffective.

   5. There should be a clear process whereby children who have struggled with the same issue three times receive a series of
        coaching sessions from a member of the specialist team (is this the Heads of House?) to help unpick it and find solutions to
        unmet needs and missing skills.                                                                                                                     2
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