Page 39 - Course 3 Neurobiology Series Part 1 Brain Best
P. 39

When people feel better, they  do better!

                               Getting your Daily DOSE is crucial!

      WHAT WE KNOW / UNDERSTAND                                                            PICTURE PROMPTS

      ▪ When our 5C Needs are met really well, we feel good.

      ▪ This is because ‘Feel Good Chemicals’ are released into our body.

      ▪ Four of these Feel Good Chemicals are linked to our 5C Needs:

        o Dopamine: I feel capable and have a sense of control over what is
          happening to me.
        o Oxytocin: I feel connected to others. I feel supported and cared for.
        o Serotonin: I feel I count. I matter in the world.
        o Endorphins: the natural painkiller. I’m on a natural high & feel great!

      ▪ We can get Feel Good Chemicals in helpful AND less helpful ways.

      ▪ When a person’s needs are met well time and time again,  they start
        to feel connected, that they count, capable and have a sense of
        control over their lives generally.

      ▪ This results in them entering situations more confidently, believing
        things will go well. They wear yellow lenses through life!

      ▪ This also builds up their resilience for when times are tough. Their
        Balance of Life is skewed towards resilience. The build up of good
        chemicals released in their body and low levels of stress chemicals
        makes it easier to be resilient when stressors come their way. Their

        blue lenses quickly turn green and they grow!
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