Page 6 - tematis excel 10
P. 6
َ ۡ
َ ُّ
َ َ ه
ه ه َ
) s37 a6 ( ٦ بكاوكلٱ ٍةنيزب اينلَٱ ءامسلٱ انيز انإ
We have indeed decked the lower heaven
with beauty (in) the stars,-
َ ۡ
) s37 a7 ( ٧ ٖدرام نطيش ك نِم اظفِحو
(For beauty) and for guard against all
obstinate rebellious evil spirits,
َ ۡ
ُ َ ۡ
ُ ه ه َ
ُ َ
) s37 a8 ( ٨ بناج ك نِم نوفذقيو عۡللۡٱ لَملٱ لَإ نوعمسي لَ
(So) they should not strain their ears in the
direction of the Exalted Assembly but be cast
away from every side,
ۡ ُ َ ٗ ُ ُ
) s37 a9 ( ٩ ب ِ صاو باذع مهلو َۖاروحد