Page 132 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 132

The Human Mind 73

Table 3.8 Genuine and contrived anger

Genuine anger (driven unconsciously by the     Contrived anger (conscious action by the para-
sympathetic system)                            sympathetic system)

                                            Bodily signs

Adrenalin flush, fast heartbeat and heavy       Normal heartbeat

Apparently enlarged body                       Normal, ambivalent or ‘image-managed’ posture

Pallid complexion (often extreme)              Flushed or reddened complexion

Face inclined forward                          Face pulled back

Tightly drawn lips                             Exposed teeth

Profuse sweating                               No discernible activity

Hair standing on end

Dry mouth caused by reduced salivation

Clenched hands or pointing finger gestures

Fixed stare with dilated pupils                Variable gaze

                                               Displacement movements to relieve tension, such
                                               as false scratching, rubbing hands, winding his
                                               watch or cleaning glasses: gasps and sighs


Raised with a fast delivery

                                        Attitude and demeanour

Not quickly forgotten                          Transient

Will not defer to interruptions by the         Will usually defer to interruptions
interviewer and will be assertive

May terminate the interview and storm out      Very unlikely to terminate the interview

Focused on a specific issue or event            Unspecific, often unjustified and at the start of
                                               the interview

Throwing or breaking things                    Threatening but not doing


At any time in an interview and usually in     Usually at the start of an interview, without any
response to a specific statement                obvious reason

Non-verbal expression appears before a verbal  Verbal outburst precedes the non-verbal
outburst and is symmetrical                    expression. The facial expression may be


Often a good basis for complaint               Spurious grounds for complaint

Anxiety decreases                              Anxiety remains
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