Page 111 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 111
[22/12/2016, 12:20:05] Siggy: Ok, they will all be chuffed with a check in their
bank account to treat themselves to whatever they want during the year
[22/12/2016, 12:24:49] Siggy: Look out for delivery of kitchen and wine glasses
arriving today with yodel . I am currently no 47 so should be back before it
arrives if you are going out
[22/12/2016, 12:45:30] Lou Siggers: What time lunch tomortroa
[22/12/2016, 12:52:29] Siggy: 1330
[22/12/2016, 12:53:07] Lou Siggers: Ok k. Carloine going pop over get her
[22/12/2016, 13:49:22] Siggy: Still 25 deliveries before us so shouldn't arrive
until late afternoon. The psychologist is running late so hopefully I will be out of
here before 3 to beat rush hour. Meeting Charlie for a drink Griffin at 7 if ok with
[22/12/2016, 14:27:42] Lou Siggers: Ok. We go Jackie after
[22/12/2016, 15:23:37] Lou Siggers: Glasses arrice x
[22/12/2016, 15:36:01] Siggy: Just gone, heading for the 1553 train, should
make it. The psychologist,,interesting, tell you later x
[22/12/2016, 15:36:17] Siggy: Just done
[22/12/2016, 15:36:40] Lou Siggers: Ok
[22/12/2016, 15:54:04] Lou Siggers: Think all deliveries. House 90 percent
done. Outside done. Horses next. Starving
[22/12/2016, 15:55:16] Lou Siggers: Try again
[22/12/2016, 15:55:24] Lou Siggers: Couldn't find phone
[22/12/2016, 15:55:29] Siggy: On train, home 1730 ish. R u going out later x
Bates Number000111