Page 123 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 123
> Fom: Sigve Solhcim [mailtocsscsolhcimf.iithtintemet_com]
> Sent: 16 June 2017 07:41
> To: Kirsty Men
> Subj Solheim,
> Dear kirs:t)\
> Befure Richard Furness serve my loss of earnigs etc __ in the ne1,.."t coupfo of \veeks, could
you make sure I can have a look at it before he senre it as I want to check ms :figures 'Wml
regards to my e.arrs, expenses, Ogden 7 and so on._
> I didn"t fed the meeting on the 13th went p3rtiarly well I know ms job is being Devil" s
Advocate, but I seriosly don'tfed we are on the same
> Keep me post and looking fonvard hearing from you,
> Si:gve
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> On 16 Jun 2-017, at: 08:07� Kirsty Alen <K.Alllienf�gsler11apley_co-11k> \\"fote:
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