Page 23 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
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Running 000098
General Form of Order In the
Case Nuinber Always quote ihls FD09D03946
Applicant Louise Porsche Jamie Siggers
Respondent Anthony Peder Mark Siggers
Applicant's Solicitor's ref
Respondent's Solicitor's ref
The marriage of L.ouise Porsche Jamie Siggers and Anthony Peder Mark Siggers
Before District Judge Bowman sitting at Principal Reg1stry of the Family Division, First Avenue House, 42-49
High Holbo:rn, London, WCi V 6NP ON 24th April 2012,
Upon hearing both parties in person on (i) the Petitioner'sWife's applicat1011 dated i 1th January 2012 for
enforcement of the order dated 5th November 201 O; and (2) the Respondent's· Husband's cross application
dated 23rd February 2◊i2 (a) for variation of periodical payments .and (b) for variation of the school fees
provisions of the said order dated 5th November 20; 0 1
And Upon reading documenis on the. Court File,
And Upori talking the. sworn on;i.l evidence of both parties,
It is ordered that-
i. The Respondent's Application for variation of periodical payments is dismissed.
2. Paragraphs 3 of the said order dated 5th November 20i O do continue in full force and effect save that the
Respondent be hereby relieved from making school fees payments in respect of the two children Blaize and
Joshl-la for the 4 school terms commencing April and Sepiember 2012 and january and April 2013.
3. A tran$cript of the Judg111ent given· today be preparnct at public expense.
4. The matter be listed for review on 22nd March 201.3 at i O:i 5am (time estimate 30 minutes) or consideration
of the issue of possible freezing of the Respondeht's bonus due in March 2013.
5. All Future hearings reserved to District Judge Bowman.
6. No order as to costs including any costs relatlng to paragraph a) of the prearnp!e to the order dated 5th
Novem.ber 2010.
The Court Office at Principal Registry of tbe Family DivisiQrt, First Avenue H9use, 42-49 High H.o[boin; Lonqon, WC1 V 6NP Is opan·f(orn 1 o:ooam unlll 4:30pl1) on Mondays to Fridays. Tel 0297 947 6000.
Please a¢dress all comrnunica\ the Court Maaagar and �uote the numbet at the top right hand corner of this iorm,
Produced By: M Cullen . . AR_G.EN AR (eeneral O.rder F9tm
Bates Number000023 23