Page 89 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 89

08/11/2016, 07:20:30] Lou Siggers: Fire alarm went of so got up dressed and
                   that false alarm. Not great way get up. Didn't sleep too good  kept going over and
                   over why you attacked me so bad about josh finger. It's not the finger. It's
                   underlying. I think you have quite a big issues with me. Sometimes I feel as
                   though you even hate me. It's good we have some time apart now so you can
                   have a think about everything you said over last few months to me  I thought the
                   meltdown was a turning point but this week I feel you slipping back again - can't
                   carry on being abused like that. However hard it will be on my own I don't
                   deserve that.

                   [08/11/2016, 07:26:54] Lou Siggers: Have an amazing holiday. Say hello to Ian

                   [08/11/2016, 08:06:38] Siggy: At the airport, all checked inn, sitting at Jamie
                   having coffee

                   [08/11/2016, 08:11:24] Lou Siggers: You are destroying my confidence. I'm
                   sitting having my breakfast and I just want to go home. Your making me feel
                   worthless.  Telling me not to bother with my kids. That's still my main job. Spend
                   ages this morning trying help sam with his eczema. Really sore

                   [08/11/2016, 08:12:34] Siggy: Sorry you didn't sleep well, I am sad you are
                   feeling the way you are. Bottom line I love you and always will. I want us to work
                   and for us to be happy!!!! The fact you feel I am abusive towards you is not right
                   and I am truly sorry for being abusive. I guess I am getting frustrated at times
                   and it boils over in stupid behaviour from me. I am excited about us and our
                   future and I really care about you and the kids

                   [08/11/2016, 08:17:00] Siggy: Hope your course goes well today xxx

                   [08/11/2016, 08:23:37] Lou Siggers: I just feel that the last ten years has been
                   filled with so much stress. Lots of amazing times with kids and you of course but
                   a lot of stress too. I feel so worn out sometimes. And I thought after couple weeks
                   ago that maybe we can put it ALL behind us (which takes some doing) and carry
                   on with our fresh spring in our step and really have good times. Within weeks
                   you are telling me I make you feel a whole list of horrible things. And I'm horrible
                   too. I just can't cope with it. I have no fucking interest in this course now. I just
                   want go home    I can sometimes see why Physco felt so worthless and that
                   nothing was right. I can handle it all but undermining me as a loving caring mum
                   just tips me over the edge

                   [08/11/2016, 08:37:50] Lou Siggers: I need go check out now and pack up. Have
                   safe flight x

                   [08/11/2016, 08:39:43] Siggy: Thank you, good luck, will speak later xxx

                   [08/11/2016, 15:50:12] Lou Siggers: U landed ok x

                   [09/11/2016, 12:03:16] Lou Siggers: U on here

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