Page 105 - MJC submissions
P. 105

From:                       Darren Page <>
             Sent:                       28 August 2018 10:28
             To:                         Steven King
             Cc:                         Henry Jezeph; Frank Taylor; Peter Owen; Stephen Matthews
             Subject:                    RE: 1809 Wealden House

             Hi Steve

             Thanks for the clarifications. I will re-issue an amended filenote along with the revised scheme drawings later this

             Kind regards

             DARREN  PAGE RIBA

             Lytle                                 THE  FOUNTAIN  HEAD    QUARRY  STREET
                                                   01483  301661  SURREY   GU1  3UY

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             From: Steven King []
             Sent: 24 August 201813:19
             To: Darren Page <>
             Cc: Henry Jezeph <>; Frank Taylor <>; Peter Owen
             <>; Stephen Matthews <>
             Subject: RE: 1809 Wealden House

            Thank you  or the meeting notes.

             I just have a couple of points of clarification. Firstly, in para 1.3, the view that "it was an estimate that had had not
             been the subject of detailed analysis" was expressed by yourselves. As I was not involved in the process of the
             Neighbourhood Plan Examination I can't comment on the details of how this policy was arrived at.

             In para 1.13, again I think the view that "comments regarding elevations were highly subjective" came from
             yourselves rather than me.

             In para 1.15, there is a general policy relation to sustainable design in the District Plan (policy DP39).

             I look forward to receiving any proposed amendments. Once these have been submitted I will be able to make a
             decision on how to deal with the application.

            Steven King. BSc (Hons}, Dip TP, MRTPI
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