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P. 132

                            Help-to-buy: Scheme has helped biggest
                            developers to double profits

                            Tom Knowles, Property Correspondent
                            September 8 2018,  I 2,0 I am, The Times

                                MOVE NOW WITH HELP  TO BUY

                                AND A 5% DEPOSIT        I

                            Barratt is ma.king twice as  much profic as it was cen years ago despite a tiny rise in
                            CHRIS  RATCLIFFE/BLOOMBERG/GETTY

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                            Britain's biggest housebuilders have doubled the average profits
                           they make from each home since the Help to Buy scheme was


                           Analysis by The Tmes reveals that the top five builders in
                           Britain are making an average profit of £57,000 on each house
                           they sell, compared with a mean average of about £29,000 in

                           Barratt, the biggest builder, is making almost double the

                           amount of profit compared with ten years ago but is building
                           only 411 more homes. Another builder, Bellway, is making more
                           than £58,000 profit a house compared with a little more than
                           £30,000 in 2007 but is building 2,000 fewer homes.
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