Page 182 - MJC submissions
P. 182

17. Residential Units

                                      I         I                                             I         I
         Proposed Key Worker Housing Total                       Existing Key Worker Housing Total

        Overall Residential Unit Totals
        Total proposed residential units   71
        Total existing residential units

       18. All Types of Development: Non-residential Floorspace

        Does your proposal involve the loss, gain or change of use of non-residential floorspace?   1,  Yes  -.·  No
                                                                     Gross internal   Total gross new   Net additional
                                                      Existing gross   floorspace to be   internal floorspace   gross internal
                      Use Class/type of use            floorspace   lost by change of   proposed (including   floorspace following
                                                     (square metres}   use or demolition   changes of use}   development
                                                                    (square metres)   (square metres}   (square metres}
        B1 (a}- Office (other than A2)                   3,057          3,057            0              -3,057
        Total                                            3,057          3,057            0              -3,057

        For hotels, residential institutions and hostels, please additionally indicate the loss or gain of rooms:
                                                     Existing rooms to be lost by I  Total rooms proposed   I
                      Use Class/types of use                                                     Net additional rooms
                                                     change of use or demolition  (including changes of use)

       19. Employment

       No Employment details were submitted for this application

       20. Hours of Opening

       No Hours of Opening details were submitted for this application

       21. Site Area

        What is the site area?   j 1.47         I hectares

       22. Industrial or Commercial Processes and Machinery

        Please describe the activities and processes which would be carried out on the site and the end products including plant, ventilation or air conditioning.
        Please include the type of machinery which may be installed on site:
       I                                                                                                           I

        Is the proposal for a waste management development?   C1  Yes  'i:,  No
        If this is a landfill application you will need to provide further information before your application can be determined. Your waste planning authority should
       make clear what information it requires on its website.

       23. Hazardous Substances

       Is any hazardous waste involved in the proposal?       ,..,,  Yes  �  No

        A. Toxic substances                                                             Amount held on site

                                                                                       .__ ________ _,       Tonne(s)

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                                                 Planning Portal Reference : PP-06843639
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