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34 Compensation reportCompensation ReportDKSH creates a leadingorganization by consistently attracting, developing, and rewarding the best possibleprofessionals and specialists within its dynamic andcomplex businessenvironment.The Compensation Report provides an overview of DKSH%u2019s remuneration principles and programs as well as information about the method of determination of compensation. Further, this report includes details around the compensation of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee related to the business year 2023.This report is written in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO), the Directive on Information relating to Corporate Governance (DCG) issued by the SIX Swiss Exchange as well as the principles of the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance of economiesuisse.1. Compensation GovernanceAuthority for decisions related to compensation are governed by the Articles of Association and the Organizational Regulations of DKSH Holding Ltd.As determined in the Articles of Association and in the Organizational Regulations of DKSH Holding Ltd., the Nomination and Compensation Committee supports the Board of Directors in the fulfillment of its duties and responsibilities in relation to compensation, including:(i) preparing proposals for submission to the Board of Directors on the compensation policy, including the principles for performance-related compensation and the allocation of securities, conversion or option rights, entitlements, or other financial instruments for the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee;(ii) preparing proposals for submission to the Board of Directors on the maximum aggregate compensation for the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee pursuant to %u00a7 19 and %u00a7 28 of the Articles of Association;(iii) preparing proposals for submission to the Board of Directors on the specific design of the participation plans pursuant to %u00a7 28 of the Articles of Association;