Page 52 - Demo
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52 About Strategy and Governance Our People Our Business Our Outcome AppendixOpportunitiesThe following mitigation and adaptation measures create opportunities for DKSH:More efficient distribution processes and vehiclesCost reduction by making distribution processes more efficientModerate Improvements to the Business Continuity Planning (BCP)Timely and appropriate response to climate-related challenges through improved BCPMajorMore efficient building infrastructure Cost reduction by decreasing energy and water consumption in buildingsModerate Sales of low-emission goods and servicesAttracting and retaining clients who prefer low-emission products and gaining a competitive advantage by developing tiered services to cater to demand for highly sustainable versus lower-environmental products and servicesModerate Measure Opportunity Financial impactHigh financial impactLow scenario probabilityLow financial impactLow scenario probabilityHigh financial impactHigh scenario probabilityLow financial impactHigh scenario probabilityImprovements to the Business Continuity Planning (BCP)Financial ImpactProbabilityOpportunitiesSales of low-emission goods and servicesMore efficient building infrastructure(emerging in a two-degree global warming scenario)More efficient distribution processes and vehicles