Page 28 - ELG1901 Jan-Feb 463
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RANKING 2019                  .
                                                                                                                  CREATIVE COMMONS: THOR

        The jujumpmp

        in junior
        in junior


        More UK schools are focusing on under-16s                        Top 20 juniors
        both in the  summer and year-round. Melanie
                                                                             1  Summer Boarding Courses
        Butler examines their results.
                                                                            2  Discovery Summer
              he private sector market for   Young learners specialist are
              young learners is changing.   generally bunched in the middle of     3  ISCA School of English*
              No longer confined to summer   the rankings with statistically fewer
        Tschools, an increasing number   than expected right at the bottom     4  St Giles International Highgate**
        of operators now report that all or most   and more at the top. Two summer
        of their year-round enrolments come     multicentres, SBC and Discovery   Wimbledon School of English Juniors*
        from under 16s.                 Summer, even beat all the boarding    ECS Winchcombe*
          There are now 92 young learner   schools, though that sector as a whole   =5  Manor Courses, Brighton*
        specialists, an increasing number of which   remains stronger.        Regent Summer Schools
        operate year-round. Summer multi-centre   The young learners top twenty is   Sidmouth International School***
        operator UKLC, for example, has just   dominated by family-owned operators
        announced that it will run closed group   with both summer schools, like ISCA,   Bell Young Learners
        courses outside the summer.     and year-round operators Sidmouth     Bucksmore Education
          These include many private    and The English Experience. Fewer     Churchill House Summer Centres*
        language schools, like St Giles   chains have schools in the top 20   =10  International Student Club*
        Highgate, which previously enrolled   for juniors than we see in the adult
        mostly adults; while more adult   sector.                             St Giles International Eastbourne**
        specialists, like Wimbledon School of   A further analysis of results based   UKLC**
        English, are launching separate junior   on ownership structure, however,
        summer programmes.              reveals the weakest results, both in   British Study Centres Juniors
          Young learner specialists have a   the summer and year-round, are to   Cambridge Language and Activity Courses*
        different statistical profile from the   be found in operations owned or part-  =16  The English Experience***
        adult market. On average they score   owned by language travel agents.   Exportise*
        the same 4.5 net areas of strength. But   According to the information   Globe English Centre**
        their most common score for junior   provided to the British Council, some
        operations is four, while in the adult   twenty percent of all junior operations   *family-run
        market the most common result is one   are owned or run by agencies based   **year round
        single area of strength.        overseas.                        ***family-run year-round

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