Page 164 - EW November 2023
P. 164

Pictorial Essay

               Lifetime Achievement in Education Leadership Award 2023-24

                                  Damodar Prasad Goyal

               tireless crusader for the institutional
               autonomy of private schools, Damodar
         A Prasad Goyal has been enlightening,
         empowering and litigating for the rights of self-
         financed education institutions for the past 40
           A commerce graduate of Rajasthan University,
         Damodar Goyal began his career in the foodgrains
         and gemstones trade with which he successfully
         persisted for three decades. However while serv-
         ing the Shri Agrawal Shiksha  Samiti (managing
         pre-primary to postgraduate institutions) as Gen-
         eral Secretary and Senior Vice President, Goyal
         became aware that although they are supplement-
         ing the primary duty of the State by serving the
         cause of education, private educational institu-
         tions were being subjected to a steadily multiply-
         ing number of Central and state government laws,
         rules and regulations which hindered them from
         discharging their obligation to provide high qual-
         ity education to their students. “Privately promot-
         ed schools have made a massive contribution to
         post-independence India's modernisation and   Damodar Prasad Goyal receives award & citation from EW's Dilip Thakore
         national development. It's not well-known, but   (left) & Dr. C. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, OP Jindal Global University
         some of the greatest leaders of India's freedom
         movement including Mahatma Gandhi and Jawa-         In 2012, in Society for Unaided Schools of Rajasthan
         harlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose among others, were   vs. Union Government & Ors, he won a famous Supreme
         educated in private schools and colleges. And currently 48   Court verdict exempting minority and boarding schools
         percent of all school-going children countrywide are in pri-  from complying with s.12 (1) (c) of the RTE Act, 2009. This
         vate schools. Therefore, I deplore government's suspicious   provision of the Act mandates all private schools to provide
         and step-motherly treatment of India's 450,000 private   free-of-charge to elementary (classes I-VIII) education to
         schools,” says Goyal.                            poor children in their neighbourhood. Similarly after his
           The harassment and discrimination suffered by pri-  intervention, in 2007, a Central Board of Secondary Educa-
         vate schools “promoted from private savings” prompted   tion directive to private schools to waive the tuition fees of
         Mr. Goyal to empower, educate and unite private educa-  one girl child per family was withdrawn, following a plea
         tional institutions. In 1997, he registered the Society for   filed in the Delhi High Court. And in 2021, a directive to
         Unaided Private Schools of Rajasthan and the Rajasthan   private schools to slash tuition fees during the Covid pan-
         Private Aided Colleges Management Association. Since   demic years was quashed by the Supreme Court.
         then, the Society for Unaided Private Schools of Rajasthan   “Private schools are critical for the advancement of K-12
         has grown to 140 CBSE-affiliated primary-secondaries and   education in India. They set benchmarks in infrastruc-
         the Association of Aided Colleges to 74 institutions. Goyal   ture provision, curriculum and pedagogy innovation, and
         believes that government – especially state governments   teacher training and development for government schools.
         -- has done a great disservice to the majority of India's   Therefore, they need to be encouraged and enabled instead
         children by neglecting orderly development of the coun-  of being harassed and discouraged. This awareness has to
         try's 1.10 million government schools while focusing their   permeate government and society,” says this indefatigable
         attention on regulating and controlling private schools.   champion of private education.
           Well-versed in the plethora of education laws, rules   For his determined support of private education institu-
         and regulations enacted by the Central and state govern-  tions which provide better quality education to 48 percent
         ments to regulate and control private schools, Goyal has   of India's school-going children and 70 percent of youth
         an impressive record of famous victories in courts of law.   in higher education, the Board of Directors and Editors
         In 1993, in Shri Agrawal Shiksha Samiti vs State of Ra-  of EducationWorld are delighted to present the Educa-
         jasthan, he won an unprecedented court order directing   tionWorld Lifetime Achievement in Education Leadership
         the Rajasthan state government to pay interest on delayed   Award 2023-24 to Damodar Prasad Goyal, an indefatigable
         grants to aided colleges.                        champion of quality education for all.

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