Page 170 - EW November 2023
P. 170
Critical importance of early
childhood education
FTER SEVERAL DECADES OF ADVOCACY The critical importance of professionally
by early childhood care and education (ECCE)
champions in India including EducationWorld administered early childhood care and
Aand the Early Childhood Association, early years education cannot be overstated. Simply
education has been incorporated into official policy and the
new 5+3+3+4 education system under the National Educa- put, it has profound impact on every
tion Policy (NEP) 2020. child's future
Yet the importance of professionally administered ECCE
is underestimated by the parents community. There’s con-
siderable scepticism that early years education is about pro- and Froebel championed the idea that social and emotional
viding infants opportunities for unstructured play under development is as vital as academic learning. Focusing on
casual supervision. However, for effective implementation these aspects in early years schooling cultivates confident,
of the new 5+3+3+4 schooling system mandated by NEP compassionate individuals equipped to navigate life’s chal-
2020, the critical importance of professionally adminis- lenges.
tered ECCE cannot be overstated. Simply put, it has pro- Parental engagement: a partnership for success.
found impact on every child’s future. Extensive research Parents are the first and most influential teachers in every
endorsed by renowned education theorists such as Piaget, child’s life. Understanding the pivotal role of early child-
Vygotsky, Maria Montessori, and Froebel, indicates that hood education empowers parents to actively engage in
ECCE focuses on key areas of learning: soft skills, physical their children’s learning journey. Engaging in activities that
development, and personal, social, and emotional growth. promote soft skills, encouraging sports and exercise, and
Soft skills: the building blocks of character. Soft nurturing emotional intelligence are simple yet impactful
skills, encompassing communication, empathy, teamwork, ways parents can support children’s development. More-
and problem-solving, are the essence of human interaction. over, remaining informed about latest research and edu-
These skills, often neglected in traditional education mod- cation pedagogies enables parents to make well-informed
els, are the bedrock on which future success is built. The decisions about early education.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework in the Parental engagement is not just about involvement in
United Kingdom recognises that developing soft skills in school activities; it is about creating a conducive environ-
the early years shapes a child’s character and interpersonal ment at home that complements learning experiences in
relationships, laying the groundwork for a successful and school. When parents actively participate in their child's
fulfilling life. Studies consistently highlight the correlation education, they reinforce the importance of learning, curi-
between strong soft skills developed in childhood and pro- osity, and creativity. Simple activities like reading together,
fessional achievement in adulthood, underscoring the en- exploring nature, and engaging in imaginative play enhance
during impact of professionally supervised ECCE. a child's cognitive and social development. Additionally,
Physical development: gateway to cognitive growth. parents serve as role models, demonstrating essential val-
Physical development in early years schooling is not just ues of empathy, respect, and resilience, which children ab-
about acquisition of gross motor skills; it is a catalyst for sorb and integrate into their own personalities.
cognitive growth. Engaging in physical activities enhances n conclusion, professionally provided early childhood ed-
coordination, balance, and fine motor skills, vital for aca- Iucation serves as the foundation for shaping children into
demic pursuits. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development resilient, empathetic, and intellectually curious individu-
emphasises the inseparable link between physical and als. Therefore, acknowledging the significance of soft skills,
cognitive growth, stating that a child learns through her physical development and personal, social, and emotional
interactions with the environment. Promoting physical ac- growth is vital for parents. By aligning parenting practices
tivities in early childhood education lays the foundation for with the principles of early years foundational learning
a child’s academic readiness, highlighting the importance drawn from influential theorists, parents can play a cru-
of a healthy body for a healthy mind. cial role in nurturing not merely academically competent,
Personal, social, and emotional development: nur- but compassionate and socially skilled future generations.
turing well-rounded individuals. The development of Armed with this understanding, parents transform into
emotional intelligence and social skills is paramount in the advocates, providing conducive environments where every
EYFS Framework of the United Kingdom. Emotional stabil- child can thrive, achieve, and make meaningful contribu-
ity, resilience, and ability to form meaningful relationships tion to their host societies and beyond.
are key predictors of lifelong well-being and success. Vy-
gotsky’s sociocultural theory stresses the influence of social (Micaela Ventura is Head of Primary at DSB International School —
interaction on cognitive development. Likewise, Montessori Deutsche Schule Bombay)