Page 18 - EW November 2023
P. 18


         TIME FOR GANDHIAN TWO STATES SOLUTION                             cord, have been breached by permit-
                                                                           ting Israeli settlements/enclaves to be
                                                                           established in the West Bank.
                                                                             While there is misjudgement and
              he  israel-hamas war now into   of the rights of Palestinians already   wrong perpetrated on both sides,
              its third week has taken a ter-  settled there.              clearly the massive aerial bombard-
         Trible  toll  in the Gaza strip,  a   The purpose of recounting  this   ment of Gaza by Israel amounts to
         narrow (41x9 km) land parcel sited   history is to make the point that the   use of disproportionate force and
         between Israel and the Kingdom of   Arab/Palestine charge that Jewish   collective punishment of the hapless
         Jordan to the east.              people have no roots in the region is   people of Gaza for the atrocities of an
           Although the latest  casus belli is   incorrect. However, instead of accept-  unelected (since 2006) Hamas gov-
         the surprise attack on Israeli civilians   ing the right of the Jewish diaspora to   ernment. The correct response would
         in a border town on October 7, and   carve out a state from Palestine as de-  have been for Israel which claims that
         taking of an estimated 200 hostages     creed by the United Nations, an Arab   its Mossad is the world’s best cross-
         being held as a bargaining chip for the   coalition declared war on Israel in   border counter-intelligence service,
         release of Hamas militants in Israeli   1948, which it lost, prompting Israel   to oust the terrorist Hamas leadership
         jails, the origin of the Israel-Palestine   to expand its frontiers.   than indiscriminately bomb civilians.
         conflict goes way back to 1948. That’s   Again in 1967, Egypt, Syria, Jordan   From a broader perspective, it’s
         when Israel, constituted by purchase   and  Palestine waged  a six-day war   high time that the Palestine Author-
         and land grab from native Palestin-  with Israel and lost, prompting Israel   ity and the Arab world in general
         ians, was recognised as a legitimate   to occupy the Sinai, the West Bank   switched to a Gandhian strategy — as
         nation state by a majority vote in the   and Gaza Strip. In 1978, following   suggested by eminent editor Swami-
         United Nations General Assembly.   yet another unsuccessful (Yom Kip-  nathan Aiyar (ToI October 29) — to
         In the early 20th century, the Jewish   pur) war, in the Camp David Accords,   establish a peaceful two-state (Israel
         demand for a country of their own   Israel returned Sinai, and agreed to   and Palestine) solution to this pro-
         in Palestine was conceded by Great   self-government in the West Bank and   longed dispute. As has become pain-
         Britain (administering the region) in   Gaza Strip by an elected Palestine Au-  fully apparent in the latest Hamas-Is-
         the Balfour Declaration (1917) which   thority. However under the Nehtanyu   rael armed conflict, the prime victims
         permitted Jews worldwide to settle   government in Israel, the Camp David   are women, the elderly and utterly
         in Palestine without any diminution   Accords and the subsequent Oslo Ac-  innocent children.

         RATHER THAN HARD, WORK SMART                                      70- hour week for entrepreneurs and
                                                                           employees is a matter of survival. It’s
                                                                           only in the organised sector of the
                                                                           economy and government which em-
            ndustry leader and corporate   cism, there is undoubtedly some sub-  ploy 10 percent of India’s 450 million
            tycoon N.R. Narayana Murthy’s ex-  stance in this exhortation because to-  working population that work-life bal-
         Ihortation to youth to work 70 hours   gether with some engineers, Narayana   ance and mental and emotional health
         per week to enable the country to grow   Murthy himself burned the midnight   have become big issues.
         into a $30 trillion (from the current   oil to transform Infosys Technologies   Yet despite the 45-hour week be-
         $3.7 trillion) economy by 2047, has   Ltd (estb.1981) into a globally respect-  ing normative and work conditions
         stirred a hornet’s nest among the woke   ed IT and ITES (IT enabled services)   on a par with the best worldwide, Mr.
         brigades. Suddenly, trendy television   multinational (sales revenue: Rs.1.5   Murthy is right to lament poor pro-
         news anchors and grave editorial writ-  lakh crore in 2022-23) in record time.   ductivity in this privileged sector. It’s
         ers are discussing the pros and cons of   Therefore, his advice is worthy of care-  well-known that productivity — aver-
         this proposal and the effect it’s likely   ful consideration.     age output per employee — in India
         to have on the work-life balance and   However for Mr. Murthy’s infor-  Inc is one-tenth of American industry
         mental health of youth and the work-  mation, the vast majority of India’s   and 20 percent of China’s. But the root
         ing age population.              population  is already  working  70   cause of this disparity is that indus-
            In support of his contention, Mur-  hour weeks. They are employed in   trial productivity in OECD countries
         thy cites the examples of China and   the MSME (micro, small and medi-  is higher because of better tools and
         Japan and several South-east Asian   um sector enterprises) sector, which   education. Working 70 hours per week
         countries after World War II, whose   although it provides livelihood to 85   won’t help if children are not encour-
         citizens worked 70-hour weeks to re-  percent of the population employed   aged to acquire good communication
         pair their economies ravaged by for-  in the non-agriculture economy, and   and hand skills and innovate from
         eign invaders and relentless bombard-  produces 40 percent of manufactur-  young age. The basic cause of poor
         ment by the West-led allies. As a result   ing output and services, is cruelly   productivity of Indian industry (and
         these economies advanced in terms of   treated by banks which starve them of   agriculture) is not a propensity to
         per capita incomes and human devel-  credit, and large companies to whom   shirk work, but a faulty rote-learning
         opment indices and are currently far   they supply components and materi-  education system that pays little at-
         ahead of India. To a nation globally   als routinely delay payments due. In   tention to innovation, modern tools
         notorious for sloth and time agnosti-  the MSME sector, slogging out the   usage and problem-solving skills.

         18    EDUCATIONWORLD   NOVEMBER 2023
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