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                WHY ARE INDIANS                                                          EDUCATION NEWS
         SUCCEEDING EVERYWHERE                                                              Delhi: Ambitious
                EXCEPT IN INDIA?                                                                   project

             The spectacular rise of
            members of the Indian                                                             West Bengal:
              diaspora to dizzying                                                          Massive teacher
               heights in business,                                                        recruitment drive
          politics, the academia and
            other vocations abroad,                                                            Tamil Nadu:
            even as upward socio-                                                          Recruitment foot
          economic mobility in 21st                                                              dragging
          century India remains an
           arduous climb, raises the                                                          Maharashtra:
           question: why do Indians                                                          Teacher power
            succeed and thrive the
          world over, except in their
                    own country

                                          84      EW GRAND JURY INDIA SCHOOL
                                                  RANKINGS 2023-24

                                                  The annual EducationWorld Grand Jury
                                                  India School Rankings (estb. 2016) felicitate
                                                  schools that excel under parameters other
                                                  than the 14 under which schools are rated
                                                  and ranked in the annual EWISR. The
         128                                      countrywide.
                                                  latter is based on field-based interviews
                                                                 33 TURNING POINT LEAD FEATURES
         EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS                              During the past 24 years since it was launched
         2023-24 AWARDS                                      in 1999 with the ambitious objective to “build the   114
                                                           pressure of public opinion to make education the #1
         Staged over two days on October                    item on the national agenda,” EW has continuously
         13-14, EWISRA 2023-24 attracted                    highlighted nationally important education issues
         participation of over 2,000 education
         leaders including institution
         promoters, trustees, principals and                              IN THIS ISSUE
         senior teachers from every corner of
         the country
                                                           Editorial           18  EW Grand Jury Rankings  84
         ANNIVERSARY ESSAYS                                Mailbox            20   International News   102

         NEP 2020 & NCF convergence necessity —      40    Education  News    24   Special Report    114
         Dr. Kasturirangan
                                                           Education  Notes   32   Pictorial Essay   128
          AI, Freedom & Human Development —          72
          Sheila Bauer & Dr. Raymond Ravaglia              Education Briefs   34   Books             172
          Building a globally respected legal system by   80
          2047 — Dr. C. Raj Kumar                          Young Achievers    36   Postscript        178

          Why public relations has a bad reputation        Cover Story        50   Schools of Eminence
          — Rajiv Desai                              110                           Selaqui  International School,   10
                                                           People             74
          Critical importance of early childhood     170                           DPS, Sector 45, Gurgaon   42
          education — Micaela Ventura

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