Page 46 - EducationWorld September 2023
P. 46
parameters of academic reputation,
co-curricular and sports education,
our teachers are providing our stu-
dents well-balanced education which
has translated into the city’s highest
score under children’s mental and
emotional well-being. All this is the
outcome of continuous investment
in teacher training and professional
development. Our teachers are con-
fident professionals who have vol-
untarily stepped forward to write the
CENTA test for EWISR 2023-24. They
are given full freedom and agency to
experiment with new pedagogies
and innovations in their classrooms.
Rising awareness of these factors in
the state and Kolkata explains our
big promotion this year,” says Ms.
Meena Kak, an organic chemistry
postgrad of Kanpur University who Udgam School’s Manan Choksi (centre right): core values focus
began her teaching career in Pitts
Modern School, Gomia (Jharkhand), (#19 last year). ally, in the states and over 400 cities
and served as principal of the Hartley “I believe that our steady ascent to and towns across the country. There-
School, Kolkata (1997-2004) and the the top is due to our focus on core val- fore it’s impossible to comment on
Birla-promoted Ashok Hall Higher ues — continuous teacher training to the rise and decline in the rankings of
Secondary, Kolkata (2004-07) before deliver quality education to children more than a handful of schools.
signing with LSA as principal in 2007, and capability to adapt to chang- Yet at the risk of belabouring a
and was appointed Director in 2020. ing times. We accord high priority point made earlier, when assessing
Currently, the CBSE-affiliated LSA set to teacher welfare and development the merits of day schools, it’s advisable
in a picturesque 1.35 acre campus in with all teachers obliged to undergo to bear in mind that city/town rank-
upscale South Kolkata, has 1,950 chil- 50 hours of training in internal and ings are more important than national
dren mentored by 148 teachers on its external workshops annually, with and state rankings. For self-evident
musters. best teachers transforming into mas- and practical reasons, the parameter
Among the EWISR 2023-24 Top ter trainers. Therefore I am satisfied ratings and ranks of day schools in
20 other schools which are awarded with our high score under the param- their host cities are more important
big promotions this year are DPS, eters of teacher welfare and develop- for parents searching for most suit-
Bangalore East to #12 (from #17 ment which has ensured good scores able schools for their progeny — and
last year); Sri Venkateswara In- under curriculum and pedagogy and teachers searching for enabling and
ternational, Delhi to #13 (21); Shiv sports/fitness education. I am also fulfilling employment.
Nadar School, Gurugram #14 pleased with our score under paren- For this reason in the pages follow-
(17); Udgam School for Children, tal involvement as we believe that ing, city and state rankings are given
Ahmedabad #16 (18); DPS, Bopal, parents are our partners in delivering precedence over the national league
Ahmedabad #16 (19); Shiv Nadar quality education to our children,” table which is nevertheless worth
School, Noida #18 (20); and Shi- says Choksi who modestly attributes studying because it provides detailed
shuvan School, Mumbai #20 (25). USC’s top score under the leadership parameter scores of over 3,000 of In-
Manan Choksi, Director of the parameter to the school’s “dedicated dia’s most reputed schools.
Udgam School for Children, teachers”. That’s why the annual EWISR is
Ahmedabad (USC, estb.1965) is de- The league table of co-ed day indisputably the largest and most de-
lighted that USC has been promoted schools is the lengthiest of all sub- tailed schools ranking survey world-
to #16 nationally from # 18 in 2022- categories in the annual EWISR and wide, the outcome of over six months
23 (and #35 in the previous year) and remains so in EWISR 2023-24 with of labour and application. There’s
especially #1 in Ahmedabad and Guja- over 3,000 of the country’s best valuable, actionable information in
rat, although it is obliged to share top schools rated under 14 parameters of the survey for school managements,
billing with DPS, Bopal, Ahmedabad school excellence and ranked nation- teachers, parents and students.