Page 32 - EW 1-156 May 2024
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Education Briefs
Samsung’s Solve for Award (£7,500) which has helped stu- of play and experimentation to ex-
Tomorrow initiative dents worldwide study in the UK. This pose our students to the most com-
new scholarship means a student can
plex ideas of innovation and creative
New delhi, april 10. Samsung India, potentially be awarded over £10,000 technology,” added Debashish
the well-known subsidiary of the in scholarships to fund a Masters pro- Chakraborty, principal.
Seoul-based Samsung Eletronics Co gramme at Exeter, starting September Established on a 6.2-acre campus
Ltd, announced the third edition of this year. in suburban Jaipur, the IB (Geneva)-
its flagship CSR initiative — ‘Solve According to a university press affiliated K-IV KSJ admitted its first
for Tomorrow’, in collaboration with note, these scholarships are offered batch of 60 children on April 15.
IIT-Delhi, the Union ministry of for a range of programmes in busi-
electronics & information technol- ness management, economics, ac- Mission Schools of
ogy, and United Nations (India). The counting & finance, computer science,
objective of the ‘Solve for Tomorrow’ engineering, law, sports science, hu- Excellence partnership
programme is to “usher in a culture of manities and social sciences, health
innovative thinking and problem solv- sciences, psychology, among others. Ahmedabad, april 22. The Hyder-
ing among the country’s youth”. This “At the University of Exeter, we are abad-based Nischals Smart Learn-
year, the ‘Solve for Tomorrow’ pro- proud to host students from over 150 ing Solutions (NSLS, estb.2010) will
gramme has introduced new School countries, and we are fully committed collaborate with the Gujarat state gov-
Track and Youth Track initiatives. to making studying in the UK as ac- ernment to take the ‘Mission Schools
School Track is designed for stu- cessible as possible. We fully appreci- of Excellence’ project, launched in
dents aged 14-17, and focuses on the ate the value that students from India October 2022 by Prime Minister Nar-
theme ‘Community and Inclusion’. bring when they choose to study with endra Modi, forward. With a budget of
School teams presenting the best proj- us, and I am delighted we are able to Rs.10,000 crore, partially funded by
ect prototype for uplifting underprivi- offer additional support through our the World Bank, this initiative is “the
leged groups, improving accessibility Global Leaders Scholarship to contin- largest investment in education un-
to health and social inclusion, will re- ue to attract the very best students,” dertaken by any Indian state so far,”
ceive a Rs.25 lakh grant. says Victoria Isherwood, Director says a NSLS media release.
Youth Track targets individuals of Student Recruitment. Under the project, 50,000 new
aged 18-22, with a focus on ‘Environ- classrooms, 1.5 lakh smart classrooms,
ment and Sustainability’. The team Kulish School, Jaipur 20,000 computer labs, and 5,000
presenting best prototype for reduc- tinkering labs will be established in
ing carbon footprint, protecting the Jaipur, april 30. Patrika Group, 41,000 schools statewide.
environment and promoting sustain- publisher of the Rajasthan Patrika Under an agreement with the state
ability, will be awarded Rs.50 lakh. (estb.1956) and Patrika dailies in government, NSLS will provide math
“At Samsung, we strive to inspire north India, launched the Kulish and science tinkering labs to “foster
and shape the future through in- School, Jaipur (KSJ) in memory of kinesthetic learning and scientific ex-
novative ideas and transformative Karpoor Chandra Kulish (1926- ploration among students.” Thus far,
technologies. Our mission revolves 2006), founder of the Patrika Group NSLS has successfully established tin-
around fostering the next generation of publications. kering labs and patented portable and
of innovators and catalysts for social The school was formally inaugurat- microscale math and science labs in
change. Solve for Tomorrow is truly ed by Jagdeep Dhankar, Vice Presi- 2,180 government schools.
shaping up as a platform for India’s dent of India. “This school is Rajast- “Over 7 lakh students and 7,000
youth to come forward with meaning- han’s pride, a priceless diamond and teachers across the state have already
ful innovations that can improve the a lasting investment in the future and been impacted by this partnership,”
lives of people,” said J.B. Park, presi- history of education,” said the Vice says Nischal Narayanam, promot-
dent & CEO, Samsung Southwest Asia, President, speaking on the occasion. er-director of NSLS. “The project’s
speaking on the occasion. “To Kulish Ji, education meant scale, size, and demonstrable impact
skilled and virtuous educators im- highlight the transformative power of
Exeter U Award parting knowledge that brings self- investing in innovative education mod-
els and solutions. We urge other states
awareness and joy to individuals by
Delhi, may 2. The University of Ex- developing not just intellect but also to consider replicating this successful
eter, (UK) announced an India Glob- enriching their soul and minds,” said model to enhance school infrastruc-
al Leaders Award (valued at £3,000) Gulab Kothari, chairman of the ture, enrich the academic experience,
which can be combined with the al- Patrika Group. and elevate the quality of education
ready established Global Excellence “We intend to harness the power throughout India,” he added.