Page 32 - DSU Handbook
P. 32

B.Voc - Mechatronics

       The B.Voc program in Mechatronics
       at Dayananda Sagar University        Key Features:
       is designed to prepare students
       for careers at the intersection of   ▶ Interdisciplinary Curriculum: The program covers a diverse range of
       mechanical engineering, electrical   subjects, including mechanical design, electrical circuits, digital electronics,
       engineering, and computer science.   programming, and control theory. Students gain a holistic understanding of
       The program integrates theoretical   mechatronics principles and applications through a blend of theoretical and
       learning with hands-on training      practical coursework.
       in robotics, automation, control     ▶ Hands-on Learning: Students have access to state-of-the-art laboratories
       systems, and embedded systems.
                                            equipped with robotics kits, PLCs, sensors, actuators, and simulation software.
                                            They engage in hands-on projects and experiments to design, build, and
                                            program mechatronic systems, gaining practical experience in system
                                            ▶ Industry Collaboration: The program collaborates with industry partners
                                            to provide students with industry-relevant training, internships, and project
                                            opportunities. Students work on real-world projects sponsored by industry
                                            partners, allowing them to apply their knowledge and skills to solve practical
                                            engineering challenges.

                                            ▶ Holistic Development: In addition to technical skills, the program also
                                            focuses on developing students’ soft skills, teamwork, and problem-solving
                                            abilities. Students engage in collaborative projects, presentations, and seminars
                                            to enhance their communication, leadership, and critical thinking skills.
                                            ▶ Industry Certi cation: The program o ers opportunities for students to earn
                                            industry-recognized certi cations in mechatronics, robotics, PLC programming,
                                            and automation. These certi cations add value to students’ resumes and
                                            demonstrate their expertise to potential employers.
                                            ▶ Innovation and Research: Students are encouraged to explore their interests
                                            through research projects and innovation competitions. The university provides
                                            support for student-led research initiatives and encourages entrepreneurship
                                            and innovation in the  eld of mechatronics.

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