Page 14 - Math G4 (second term) (4) booklet-_UNIT1,2
P. 14

Date:…../……./2024                               H.W: C.W: Absent:

Seif  studied     math  for  1  ??  hour   and  science  for  ??  hour.  How  many
                                ??                            ??

hours did seif study in all?


Salma went to market and bought 3???? Kg of banana and 1???? Kg of
apple. How many kilograms did salma buy ?



Ahmed     has  a  number   of   seeds   ,  on   Friday  he  planted  ??  of  them  ,

and   he  planted  ??  of  them     on  Saturday  .  what   fraction     represents

the seeds that Ahmed planted in both of the two days ?


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