Page 14 - E-Science Prim.4 concept1 t.1 _2024-2025_Neat
P. 14
P.O.C Acacia Tree Kapook Tree
Habitat Umbrella-shaped trees
Southern African Savannah Brazil Amazon Rainforest
Tiny leaves at the top Hand-shaped leaves with
to hold in water and absorb narrow parts to allow wind
sunlight. to move gentely through
Sharp spines around them It has fluffy yellow seeds to
not to be eaten by animals. be easily carried by wind.
Roots Very long taproot grows Large wide buttress roots
downword to search for grow high up on trunk to
water. hold it in the soggy soil
(wet mudy soil)
“35 m below soil” “5 m above”
Behavioral 1- It produces a poison to
adaptation keep animals away. It has delicious-smelling
flowers to send messages
2-It sends a smelly message through wind to attract bats.
to warn other accacia trees
to start making the same.
Trunk Long trunk, most animals
except giraffe can’t reach.
First Term Trunk stores water as the
camel hump sto1r4es fat