Page 15 - Science E-Book Prep.3 2024-2025 1st term unit1_Neat
P. 15

Science Department

P.O.C       Positive acceleration       Negative acceleration

       It is an acceleration by It is an acceleration by which an
       which an object moves in a object movesin a straight line when
       straight line when its speed its speed decreases by equal values
       increases byequal values through equal periods of time
       through equal periods of

       initial speed < final speed initial speed > final speed

       It means:                        It means:

       - Speed of moving            - Speed of moving object
          object increases with       decreases with time.
                                    - Acceleration decreases (-ve
       - Acceleration increases       acceleration) (deceleration)
          (+ve acceleration)
                                      An object moves at a
          An object moves at a        negative acceleration
          positive acceleration       equals -2 m/sec2
          equals 2 m/sec2 This        This means that the object moves
          means that the object       in
          moves in a straight line    a straight line and its speed
          and its speed increases     decreases by 2m/sec. each one
          by 2 m/sec.                 second.
          each one second

First Term                          14
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