Page 5 - unit 8 prep 3 second term_Spread
P. 5

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1-vegan             not eating or using any animal products (vegan :n)
2- green            related to the protection of the environment
3- solar            of the sun or from the sun
4- pessimistic      believing that bad things will happen (Opp:
5- overwhelmed      feeling that sth is so bad or so big that you can’t do
                    anything about it (overwhelm :v, overwhelming
6- renewable        :adj)
7- authentic        that can be used and easily replaced
8- vegetarian       real, true, not fake
                    not eating meat or not including meat (vegetarian:
9- endangered       n)
11- mass            in danger of extinction (endanger :v)
12-convenient       grown without using chemicals
14-environmentally  involving a large number (mass :n, massive :adj)
friendly            useful and easy (convenience :n)
                    not harmful to the environment

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