Page 8 - p1 ebook modified_Neat
P. 8
1-creative with a lot of skill and imagination (create : v, creation :n)
2-honest truthful, not telling lies (honesty : n, honestly :adv) (opp. : dishonest)
3- polite having good manners and respect for others (politely :adv, politeness :n)
(opp. : impolite)
4- hard-working putting a lot of effort into a job ( opp: lazy)
5- jealous unhappy because sb you love is showing interest in sb else or because sb
has sth you want ( jealousy :n)
6- generous giving freely ( generously :adv, generosity :n) ( opp: mean)
7- relaxed calm, not stressed ( relax :v), relaxation :n)
8- nervous anxious about sth (nervously :adv, nervousness, nerve :n)
9- unkind slightly cruel ( unkindly :adv, unkindness :n) ( opp: kind)
10- shy nervous about meeting and speaking to other people
( shyly :adv, shyness :n)
11- sociable enjoying spending time with other people
(sociably :adv, society :n, social :adj)
12- reliable can be depended on or trusted to do sth well
( rely on :phr v, reliance :n)
13- calm relaxed; not worried ( calmly :adv, calmness, calm: n)
14- annoyed feeling a little angry ( annoying :adj, annoy :v, annoyance :n)
15- patient able to wait or do sth calmly without getting annoyed or angry
(patiently ;adv, patience :n) ( opp: impatient)
16- anxious nervous or worried ( anxiously :adv, anxiety :n)
17- confident feeling sure ( confidence n) ( opp: unconfident)
18- cheerful happy and optimistic ( cheer :v, n, cheerfully :adv)
19- miserable sad or in a pitiable state of distress ( misery :n, miserably :adv)
20- serious sensible ,not funny or not playful ( seriousness :n, seriously :adv)