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Global Pulse: The Next 12 Months with Joseph Micallef
Global Pulse is an innovative world affairs program that reviews the current state of international security, military affairs, and the global economy by examining those events that will have the most dramatic impact on the world in the immediate future.
Joseph V. Micallef is a keynote speaker, business executive, best- selling author, syndicated columnist, historian and commentator on business leadership, future trends and military and international affairs. He has produced, directed and written dozens of documentary programs on military history and world politics as well as written a number of books.
Mr. Micallef is a member of the National Speakers Association and has been a keynote speaker for a variety of professional and business organizations as well as several think tanks including the Institute of Strategic Studies (London), the NATO War Defense College (Rome), the Italian Institute of International Affairs (Rome), and at universities around the world. He has also been a frequent commentator on military and world affairs for a variety of broadcast venues including CNN, Fox News and Fox News Radio.
Review the world’s 10 most critical hot spots and their possible evolution over a 3- to 12-month timeframe
Explore the juncture of politics, economics, and military affairs to understand the news before it becomes a headline
Learn which global events and developments will affect you in the next 12 months