Page 19 - LiveLabs: The Future of Financial Services
P. 19

Cybersecurity: Keeping Safe In A Digital World with Steve Hausman
It seems like every day the news is  lled with stories about computer crime and hacking, which threatens  nancial institutions, banks, small businesses, large corporations, hospitals, retail stores, and your personal information. In order to stay protected, it is critical to adopt innovative, adaptable strategies to defend computers, networks, and data from malicious attacks.
Dr. Steven Hausman is a trained scientist and professional speaker who can unleash the potential for innovation in your organization when he gives you a glimpse of the future, conveys the excitement of new technologies, and explains what they might mean for your business.
Advances in technology will affect the business world in ways that we cannot imagine. For example, the use of robots will alter employment levels and how jobs will be learned and structured, 3D printing technology will cause shifts in manufacturing capabilities, regenerative medicine will heal and rebuild our bodies and alter medical care practices, and arti cial intelligence will manage many of our businesses. Steve has a talent for describing complex concepts in science and technology (and their social and ethical implications) in an entertaining and easy-going manner using humor, personal experiences, and clear and understandable language while drawing from his large repertoire of videos, images, and news articles.
Review many aspects of your company’s approach to cybersecurity and information assurance
Gain an understanding of current vulnerable areas by discussing passwords, encryption, malware, threats to the Internet of Things and physical security
Walk away with a customized in-depth review of security issues in your particular sector

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