Page 102 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 102

w elCo m e  h o m e | build

           A REFINED NICHE

              C a rlo s D elg a D o  b len D s  s u s ta i na b i li t y,  b a la n C e,  a n D  relat i o n s h i p s

                                                                                                        Photo by Jared Cruce
                      by Paula Bandy

                  rawn to the Pacific Northwest’s aesthetic aspects of warm  all about the process of getting where and what they want and hav-
                  woods and sleek modern styling, for Carlos Delgado the  ing a good time doing it.”  Delgado affectionately jokes that he and
           Dinterplay of balance, sustainability, and relationships is what  Tom Sager, Senior Designer & Project Captain with the firm since
           brought him to the Rogue Valley.                        2003, are “playing off each other sorta like Click and Clack. Carlos is
                                                                   the gas and Tom is the brake.”  Together, they constitute a grounded
           A native of the Bay Area, he found the “Rogue Valley has a good value  creative core. They agree the core is “that you come back to what
           of life, family, and outdoors. Underneath all is a common value sys- works—what makes practical sense.”
           tem.” He feels it is more relationship oriented than the Bay area.
           “The relationships have been a lot more fun and there is more respect  Delgado is clear on this when he reiterates about his time in Costa
           for things other than just work. People here are advocates for good  Rica. “To use what you have. I love this way of thinking about our
           projects and having a good life while you’re doing it. It’s more about  own designs because we hardly introduce new things to clients;
           the whole picture and what is beyond the work.”         we just use what we know works and lasts. It comes back to do we
                                                                   continuously jump onto the ‘new thing’ bandwagon or sit back and
           After college in Pennsylvania, where  he  relished  in the  centuries  observe how it goes. Sometimes we do need to think of things in a
           worth of design and architecture, Delgado returned to the Bay area.  new way. It’s a creative process, but when we really know something
           He spent time travelling as an interior designer for retail spaces in  is working we choose to perfect this piece before we go on to some-
           malls before he found himself working on a remote B & B in Costa  thing else.”
           Rica. This he says is where he found much inspiration for his pro-
           fession and personal life. “I’ve always loved being informed by the  These elements came together in the Upper Oak residence of Rob
           natural  messengers,” says Delgado.  “Our palette, materials, and  Sweeney and Shannon Clery. Although  early on there was deep
           methods were so limited. We used the tools available and didn’t look  attachment to a very contemporary design, Delgado says, “Sometimes

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