Page 23 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 23



            BE NICE TO YOUR SKIN

              ll summer long you are going to be dig-
          Aging into that sunscreen bin and answer-
          ing that pesky question,  “Do you have any
          sunscreen  on?”  This summer, our favorite
          pick when it comes to protecting your skin
          is BullFrog—a  high-performance sunscreen
          prized by outdoor and sports enthusiasts
          alike. BullFrog makes is easy to find the right
          sunscreen for the right outdoor activities by
          offering streamline SPF levels grouped into
          three  categories according to the environ-
          ment in which it will be used:

                                                    ENERGY SAVINGS
                  Land Sport™ — EnginEErEd for
                  uLtimatE brEathabiLity and SwEat
                                                    ARE IN YOUR FUTURE

                                                    THREE WAYS YOU CAN COMMAND YOUR HOME ENERGY DESTINY

                  Water Sport™ — Engineered         LIGHTING                  ELECTRONICS                HEATING
                  for ultimate water resistance.    Install ENERGY STAR® LED   Unplug battery chargers for   Save on heating costs by
                                                    bulbs to cut your energy use    mobile phones, tablets, laptops   lowering the thermostat to
                                                    by as much as 85 percent.    and other devices when not in   65-68 degrees when you’re
                                                    LEDs are available in many    use—they use energy even when   home, and to 58-60 degrees
                                                    styles to fit all the rooms in    they’re not actively charging   at night or when you’re
                  Mosquito Coast® —                 your home and you’ll save even   anything. Group your electronics   away. Upgrade to a smart
                  Engineered for ultimate sun       more in the long run because   together on power strips so you   thermostat to make these
                  and bug protection.               they’ll last up to 20 times    can switch them off when you’re   kinds of energy-saving
                                                    longer than standard bulbs.  done using everything.  changes automatically.

          BullFrog products are PABA-free and are
          available at select drugstores, grocers, as well
          as mass market, sport, military and other   +
          retail stores throughout the USA.         Get more from your energy. Call us at 1.866.368.7878
                                                    or visit
          Visit or
          com to order online.                      Serving customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power,
                                                    NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas and Avista.

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