Page 39 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 39



     Brought to you by the Josephine County Historical Society
        here was a power dam built on the Rogue River at Grants Pass over
     T130 years ago. It was the Grants Pass Dam, also called the Grants Pass
     Diversion Dam or the Grants Pass Power Dam. The site of the dam can still
     be seen from Caveman Bridge and anyone who has enjoyed the river on a jet
     boat experiences a bump in the river after passing under Caveman Bridge.
     That bump is what remains of the old wooden dam. The dam was low and
     only backed up about three feet of water, but it channeled water toward the
     power plant. Grants Pass produced its own electricity from 1886 to 1905.

     In 1905, the Gold Ray Dam, near Gold Hill, started to provide power
     for Southern Oregon. After the Grants Pass dam was no longer used for
     power, it backed up the water enough to have an excellent swimming area
     at Riverside Park. There was a bathhouse, a dock, a tethered raft in the
     center of the river and a long slide into the river.  Much of the dam was
     washed out in floods in the 1920s, but the swimming area remained until
     the Polio scare in the late 1940s. People still swim there, but without the
     dam the river is swift and not as safe.

     The Josephine County Historical Society in Grants Pass operates the
     Schmidt House Museum and the JCHS Research Library and Bookstore.

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