Page 50 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 50

neck of the woods | art


              More than just a box

                                                   &       Lee Juillerat

                  ho knew that west-  Facts and trivia about 13 bird spe-  The painted boxes
                  ern grebes feed their   cies common to the Klamath Basin  are  the result of  a
        Wvery young adult            and Southern Oregon don’t need  project  launched
        feathers for nutrition? Or that the   to come from a book. For people  by Kendall  Bell in
        best way to find great horned owl   strolling the streets of downtown  2013. Bell—who
        nests is to look for on-the-ground   Klamath Falls, 13 electrical util-  is vice president
        deposits of regurgitated pellets of   ity boxes feature information and  of the Klamath
        bone, fur, and feather? Or that the   paintings of mallards, great horned  Falls  Downtown
        noisy quacking sounds of mallard   owls, western grebes, and 10 other  Association, owner
        ducks are voiced only by females?  frequently seen or heard birds.  of Bell Hardware
                                                                  and, since January,
                                                                  a Klamath Falls
                                                                  City Council mem-
                                                                  ber—wanted    to
                                                                  beautify the city’s                        Ring Neck Pheasants
                                                                  downtown.    She
                                                                  describes  the 13 black 23x36-  proud of all  the artists because
                                                                  inch boxes, which house electrical  they put their heart and soul into
                                                                  systems for streetlights, as having  their paintings.”
                                                                  looked  “really trashy.” Inspired
                                                                  by seeing painted boxes in other  Along with Stoehsler, other artists
                                                                  cities, Bell guided efforts to have  were Leslie Rogers, James Beene,
                                                                  the downtown association part-  Joyce  Miles, Paula  Walborn,
                                                                  ner with the Klamath  Audubon  Sharon Rajnus, Judy Phearson,
                                                                  Society and Klamath Community  Chris Young, Glenda  Lehrman,
                                                                  Foundation.  The three groups  and Martha Waardenburg. Some,
                                                                  raised the $9,000 used to cover  including Stoehsler, painted two
                                                                  project costs.               boxes.

                                                                  The colorful paintings were done  The paintings cover three sides
                                                                  in 2014 by 10 Klamath Basin art-  of  the  formerly all black boxes.
                                                                  ists, including Pam Stoehsler, who  Some, like the great blue heron
                                                                  worked with the Audubon Society  on Eighth and Main streets, wrap
                                                                  to select potential birds and com-  around two sides, which helps
                                                                  mission artists. Although she and  illustrate the bird’s size. Each
                                                                  the other received stipends for  box includes text with the names
                                                                  their work, it wasn’t about the  of the birds and facts about their
                                                                  money. “Anytime I get to paint,”  habitats and characteristics. The
                                                                  Stoehsler says, “I’m happy.”  great blue, as is explained, is the
                                                                                               largest North  American heron,
                                                                  There were other rewards.  standing  up to four and a  half
                                                                  “People driving by would honk  feet tall, with wingspans up to six
                                                                  and wave. It was fulfilling for the  feet. As the text informs, hunting
                                                                  artists,” remembers Stoehsler  herons  “wade slowly  or statue-
                                                                  of the painting process.  “I’m so  like, then strike like lightning at

                                                      Mallard Duck
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