Page 64 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 64

neck of the woods | history

        Coos Bay (stock photo)

        Son of Rogue Valley settlers, Edward Mensor,   Williams was the first player to hit 30 homers  America was  four short years away from
        nicknamed  “The  Midget,” played  three  sea-  and steal 30 bases in a single season, and for  another  World  War, a  conflict that placed
        sons in the outfield for the Pittsburgh Pirates.   a short time was considered a close rival to  heavy travel restrictions on citizens; more
        Hub Pernell of Applegate broke in as a pitcher   Babe Ruth as best player in the junior circuit.   importantly, though, the war  took able-
        with Ty  Cobb’s  Detroit Tigers. The  flame                                  bodied boys and men away to fight overseas.
        throwing hurler they called “Piano Legs” won   After the Sawdust Circuit was long gone, pro-  When those boys returned, radio had become
        four games in 1910 before burning out due to   fessional baseball arrived in the region, albeit  a firm fixture in American homes. Television
        injury in 1912. Happy Smith from the small   for inconsistent periods of time. Between  wasn’t far away, either.
        town of Coquille played a single season across   1970 and 1973, the Oakland Athletics ran a
        the country in Brooklyn for the Superbas, a   Northwest League team in North Bend-Coos  Sadly, baseball had evolved. It was no longer
        year before they were renamed the Dodgers.   Bay. A few years later, the franchise ended up  something you had to travel to anymore. The
                                               in Medford where they were based for the  game came to you.
        Maybe the best player from the region has an   better part of two decades.
        argument to the title of greatest player from
        the state of Oregon. As a left fielder for the St.   Barnstorming circuits on the east coast and
        Louis Browns, WWI veteran Ken Williams cut   Midwestern United States dissolved earlier.
        his teeth in the sandlots of Southern Oregon.   Historically, Southern Oregon seems to have
        Williams  would go on to become  a police   preferred a more lawless brand of baseball. In
        officer and eventual owner of the Owl Club   1937, workers at the Civilian  Conservation
        bar and billiard club on G Street in downtown   Corps camp in Hart Mountain spent their
        Grants Pass, but not before playing 15 years   Sunday taking on a few of the local touring
        of  top notch  ball in the American League.   teams, but this was  late for barnstorming.

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