Page 112 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
P. 112
HOW Beer

From left to right: James Smith, Kristen Smith,
Marjie Brennan, Larry Brennan.

Arch Rock Brewery,
Gold Beach

Marjie and Larry Brennan retired to Gold Beach in 2001, but in
2010 found themselves looking around for something new. They
eventually realized that a small brewery might be just the thing
for Larry’s now-quiet woodworking shop, but they also realized
something else.
“We knew we didn’t know enough about brewing beer to be pro-
fessional about it,” recalls Larry. The Brennans eventually hired
James and Kristen Smith, both with experience in brewing. “It
was a perfect fit,” says Larry. “And it’s just taken off.”
Arch Rock Brewing Company opened in January, 2013, with
Smith designing the brewery and the three beers they currently
offer. Already they have received three awards, expanded from the
coast into central and northern Oregon, and have had a stream of
visitors visit their tasting room. “We’ve had people from all over
the world, literally,” says Larry, who has enjoyed the opportunity
to share the brewery and the process behind it.
They also credit their local community for the welcome reception
they have received. As Marjie explains, “The local people don’t
seem to lose their enthusiasm for the brewery, for our beer.”
“We look to add two new tanks this winter to add more specialty
beers,” says Larry, who is looking forward to the possibilities of
continued growth. “It’s a great industry to be in.”

Arch Rock Brewing Company

28779 Hunter Creek Lp., Gold Beach

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