Page 128 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
P. 128
Dining Out


Bambu Larks Home Kitchen Cuisine River’s Edge Restaurant Umi Sushi
970 North Pheonix Rd., Medford 212 East Main St., Ashland 1936 Rogue River Hwy, Grants Pass 100 E. California St., Jacksonville
541-608-7545 541-488-5558 541-244-1182 541-702-2258 29 N. Main, Ashland
200 N. Riverside Ave., Medford 541 201-8898
At Bambu, traditional and conven- 541-774-4760 Come to the River’s Edge Restaurant 941 SE 7th St., Grants Pass
tional are not words to describe the in Grants Pass for classic, expertly 541-787-6722
menu. Instead deliocious, unique prepared Pacific cuisine. Choose from
and satisfying are. Their food is a Larks restaurant is now located not only steaks, ribs, burgers, seafood, chicken, The highest quality food, talented staff,
marriage of regional Asian flavors at Ashland Springs Hotel in the heart of pork and lamb on a menu that great service, and unique atmosphere
with their own interpretation. The downtown Ashland, but also at Inn at changes with the season to ensure make our restaurant experience one
menu features flavors from Japan, the Commons in Medford. The menu the freshest available, locally sourced not to miss in Ashland, Jacksonville and
China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia is a celebration of Oregon; its farms, ingredients. Grants Pass. Premium sashimi, creative
and the Phillippines with a huge orchards, vineyards, artisan cheese sushi, bento and teriyaki all expertly
selection of vegetarian entrees to makers and chocolatiers. The break- Seven Feathers Casino prepared to keep you coming back
choose from. Or you can enjoy any fast, lunch and dinner menus are filled Resort Dining Options for more.
number of zesty beef, portk, poultry with delicious dishes, and the extensive 146 Chief Miwaleta Ln., Canyonville
or seafood dishes. For the price, this wine list features many local wines. 800-548-8461 Dining Key
is one of Medford’s best restaurants.
Service is friendly and efficient. The Peerless Restaurant and Breakfast
K-BAR Steak House Sunday
Buckboard Grill Neighborhood Bar Brunch
100 Murphy Creek Rd., Grants Pass 265 4th St, Ashland Experience this vintage-inspired Lunch
541-862-9111 541-488-6067 steak house with its hearty local Dinner roots. Sample a mouth-watering
On a nice drive in the Applegate steak or select from a variety of 5–10 dollars
Valley, you may want to make the The Peerless is a lively sophisticated Chef-inspired signature dishes.
scenic loop from Jacksonville to neighborhood restaurant and wine/ 10–15 dollars
Grants Pass, and tour some of the cocktail bar in the heart of Ashland’s Cow Creek Restaruant
many vineyards with tasting rooms. A Historic Railroad and Gallery District. A
great place to stop for lunch or din- “From Scratch Made” kitchen featur- With its laid back, quiet atmosphere,
ner along the way is the Buckboard ing an array of small plates, burgers, friendly staff and quick service, the
Grill. They have several creative and steaks, seafood and vegetarian 24-hour Cow Creek Restaurant is
delicious burgers, handmade pizza, entrées that capture the flavors of the the perfect stopping place to enjoy
BBQ and prime rib on weekend season and the essence of the Pacific breakfast, lunch and dinner or late-
nights with a wonderful Sunday Northwest by using regionally sourced night snack.
Brunch. It fits in well with a drive in the ingredients and sustainable and
country, on the way to the coast or hormone free meats and fish as much The Gathering Place Buffet
any day of the week! as possible.
Offering a dining extravaganza, The
Jacksonville Inn Dinnerhouse Red Robin Gathering Place Buffet will tempt
175 E. California St., Jacksonville 499 Medford Center, Medford you with an outstanding selection of
541-899-1900 541-772-7777 International Cuisine. Choose from 2200 NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg the mouthwatering array of Asian,
541-673-2636 Italian, Mexican, Mediterranean
Located in the heart of this historic and regional American dishes.
town, this restaurant is elegantly
romantic dating back to 1861. Fresh quality ingredients, made to STIX Sports Bar
Selections include fresh seafood, order gourmet burgers, bottomless
chicken, beef, prime rib, rack of steak fries, wraps, salads, soup and Catch up on the latest sporting
lamb and a variety of healthy- sandwiches served with pleasure. event on one of the 19 televisions
for-your-heart dishes. Fabulous Don’t forget the scrumptious milk- located throughout the restaurant.
homemade desserts and a 2,000 shakes and strawberry filled lemon- Appreciate one of the ten varieties
bottle wine list. ade! Red Robin is a great place for of beer on tap. Drool over the best
everyday dining, as well as celebrating burgers and fries!
birthdays and special occasions.

20 dollars +

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