Page 15 - HCCVol25 Issue 6 - 28th June 2024
P. 15

We kindly request that you avoid
utilising the designated disabled
parking spots located in front of
the College for the purpose of quick
pick-ups or drop-offs. This practice
has resulted in individuals who rely
on these parking spots being unable
to access them. Thank you for your
co-operation and understanding
on this issue.
Important Reminders
1) The College encourages all students to bring a named drink bottle to school.
2) The College discourages students from bringing mobile phones to school. Any mobile phone brought to school MUST be
handed in at Home Group (or into the Front Office),
and can then be collected
at the end of the day.
SERVING the Yorke Peninsula for over 20 years
Harvest Notices
Winter Uniform
As per the College Uniform Policy, Winter
uniform is required to be worn during
Terms 2 and 3 (as shown below). Please
note: the dress is an option year round for
Years F-12, in place of the pinafore or skirt.
Please ensure skirts and dress lengths are
on the knee, as per the Uniform Policy.
Disabled Carparks

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