Page 3 - HCCVol25 Issue 6 - 28th June 2024
P. 3

‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t
pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected,
and handed on for them to do the same’. Ronald Reagan, Former US
Recently, the Australian Law Reform Commission released
recommendations that threaten our faith and freedom of belief. If
accepted, Christian schools will no longer be able to employ only
those teachers and staff who share and can teach our values and
beliefs. What a privilege it was for 21 of our student leaders, staff, and
parents to attend the Faith In Our Future event at Tyndale Salisbury
East, alongside over 700 others from every Christian School in South Australia (these events
have also happened in other states). We heard inspiring testimonies from students, parents,
teachers, and pioneering principals about the positive impact of Christian schooling in our
nation. The Faith In Our Future event allowed us to peacefully and respectfully hear stories,
listen to politicians, and pray about these proposed changes. It sent a strong message to
Canberra about the importance of Christian schooling and our need to employ staff who
uphold Christian values. It was particularly encouraging to meet our local state MP, Fraser
Ellis, at the event.
Slightly less serious, but of equal importance, Mrs Lewis’ and Mrs Ross’ classes were given
the opportunity to attend a Colin Buchanan concert at Maitland Lutheran School last Friday.
It was so good to see that Colin certainly has not lost his touch. The students were rocking
along to some well known Colin tunes and were treated to a true rock concert like no other.
On the way home, as I drove the coach, Colin continued to play on the CD player, and it is
safe to say that a great time was had by all who attended. We thank Maitland Lutheran
School for their warm invitation.
We have seen many events happen in our College during this term and it has been my
privilege and honour to serve the school community as your Acting Principal. It has warmed
my heart to form deeper connections with many of our parents and students, and I say
thank you for your support this term. We eagerly await the return of Mr Ayoub next term
and I am sure there will be many stories to catch up on and many eager students lining up
to welcome him back.
God bless.
SERVING the Yorke Peninsula for over 20 years
From the Acting Principal
Mr Scott Carson

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