Page 4 - SIA Brochure Internal
P. 4


                      Greg Janzow                                        Mike Ford                                       Greg Daniel

                        Food Safety                                        Beverage                                   Pet Food & Treats

            AREAS OF EXPERTISE:                              AREAS OF EXPERTISE:                              AREAS OF EXPERTISE:

               ◆ Food Safety & Compliance                       ◆ Beverage Manufacturing                         ◆ Statistical Process Optimization
               ◆ Sanitation Methodology                         ◆ Facility Operations & Optimization             ◆ Fit for Purpose Equipment
               ◆ Operational Leadership                         ◆ Operational Leadership                          Identification & Selection
               ◆ Industry-Specific Standards                    ◆ Supply Chain & Logistics Management            ◆ Specialized Design Concepts
               ◆ Team Leadership & Development                  ◆ Strong Network of Industry Relationships       ◆ Product & Process Commissioning,
                                                                                                                Validation & Start-Ups
            Greg is a Certified Food Scientist (CFS)
            that specializes in food safety. Certified       Mike is an expert in beverage manufacturing,
            in CFS and PCQI, he conducts FSMA                specializing in process design and               Greg holds over two decades of experience
            gap assessments and ensures FDA/                 optimization. He has held roles such a           in manufacturing and food production.
            USDA compliance. Greg oversees QA/               SVP, VP, and Plant Director, overseeing          Specializing in process optimization,
            QC for sanitary design, optimizing food          multi-facility operations. His resume includes   product/press development, and engineering
            safety in production environments with           Oasis International Waters, Coca-Cola,           consulting. Greg has led significant projects
            a unique collective perspective of a plant,      Refresco North America, Peace River              for companies like Iams, Mars Petcare,
            maintenance, and sanitation managers.            Citrus Products, and Danone.                     and Proctor & Gamble.
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