Page 3 - Community Impact Report 2021
P. 3
Giving Back Matters
Q&A with the Chairman, CEO & President
best able to collaborate and integrate is to How does our institutional emphasis on
work together in-person. That applies to giving service unite our fast-growing company?
back to the communities where we work and It is hard to scale the feeling of a family
live around the world. Witnessing the joy of a business without emphasizing service. Through
grandmother and her grandchildren receiving a service as a team, we can extend a feeling
new home defines Haskell’s value of Service. of who we are and create togetherness. The
Core Value of Service brings people together.
Haskell and its team members have Team members who may not work together,
contributed more than $4.5 million in
25+ years of participation in United Way who may not even know each other, come
James L. O’Leary together to do something meaningful.
campaigns. What does that participation and
relationship mean to our organization?
How does Haskell’s Core Value of Service What are your final thoughts for
to clients, the community and each other We’ve improved lives. We’ve improved the team regarding their impact on
influence our company’s culture? communities. We talk about Creating Things That the communities we serve?
I think team members get excited about being Matter. That is a prime example. The relationship I’m amazed by the commitment and willingness
able to take what they do professionally and with the United Way is a deep one. It dates back to grasp the connection of “what we do” to
give it back to the community. I often say that more than 50 years, and it remains consistent. “why we do it” and really live the Core Value
there’s “what we do,” then there’s “why we do it.” The United Way does so much good and has a of Service. The word that comes to me is
It’s important to our strategy that we integrate phenomenal impact on communities and families “pride.” You can be in the community, and
both of those, and one of the big ways we do that and initiatives. There’s a very natural alignment someone will ask, “Where do you work?”
is to give our team members the opportunity between the United Way’s mission and ours. When you say, “I work for Haskell,” they’ll
to make an impact in the community where As we grow as a company, how is the magnitude say, “Oh, that’s a great company.” But they
they work and the world where we live. of our community impact affected? have no idea of our reach around the world.
They probably don’t understand the AEC
Gradually and carefully, our team members Growing in scale allows us to do more impactful business. If you ask them what markets we
returned to in-person participation in community things. Growing in scale has also meant expanding
service. You participated in the HabiJax geographically, and with 23 offices through serve, they’ll say, “I’m not exactly sure, but I
construction. What did that mean to you? the U.S. and significant operations in Asia and know you’re a great company.” That is because
There’s nothing like actual person-to-person Latin America, we’re working in more than of the impact and influence of what we put
human interaction. At Haskell, our business model 100 communities at any given time. To think into the community to make it better.
is founded on the fact that the magic happens of the difference we can make in that many
when you integrate, and the way you truly are communities is incredible and rewarding.
2021 Community Impact Report | Haskell 1