Page 100 - [NEW]V1 Complete Healing Genius Flipbook
P. 100
The Concept of Responsibility
For a person to live sound soul and mind. Use it as a
health in all aspects, it is source to share relevant
essential to hold himself information, updates, and
accountable for the actions a yes, entertainment too.
person is taking. For a
diseased person, it may not Put in reeling articles on the
be easy to accept cover with strong messages
responsibility for his well- that capture attention. Keep
being. readers eager to continue
with even more fascinating
The concept of previews of what else they
self-responsibility and can find in the issue.
self-sufficiency go hand in
hand. The person who takes
responsibility for his health or
betterment commits to his
actions to improve his health.
Most people do not take their
health seriously.
Hence, they are ill-health as
they do not accept the
responsibility it takes to feed
or treat themselves well.
Spirituality begins with self-
actualization, and it can
extend to the concept of
responsibility in that a person
who is spiritually aware of his
needs and actions can better
take responsibility for his
health and betterment of