Page 100 - [NEW] Complete Healing Genius Flipbook V1
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The Concept of Responsibility
For a person to live sound Spirituality begins with self-
health in all aspects, it is actualization, and it can
essential to hold himself extend to the concept of
accountable for the actions a responsibility in that a person
person is taking. For a who is spiritually aware of his
diseased person, it may not needs and actions can better
be easy to accept take responsibility for his
responsibility for his well- health and betterment of
being. the soul and mind. Use it as a
source to share relevant
The idea of self-responsibility information, updates, and
and self-sufficiency is closely yes, entertainment too.
linked. When individuals take
responsibility for their health
and well-being, they are
committed to taking action
to improve their overall
health. Unfortunately, many
people neglect to care for
themselves properly.
Therefore, they experience ill
health because they do not
accept the responsibility
required to nourish and care
for themselves effectively.