P. 76

What is Healing?

                               ealing is a holistic process that restores and rejuvenates the mind and
                               body union, often disrupted by discomfort or malady. Discomfort, malady,
                               or disease may affect a person's mind either physically or psychologically.
             It can  disrupt the normal working of the human being, causing a block in spiritual
             harmony between a person's physical and mental balance.

             This altered balance between the mind and body concept of healing is often
             expressed and discussed among non-Western countries; however, due to
             incompatibilities with conventional medicines, many Western people believe in the
             concept of healing and repair in a spiritual or a holistic way.

             To what extent the mind can influence is still a topic of debate in medicine.
             The trauma inflicted on the human body, whether physical or mental, and by any
             means (by injury or emotional distress), can significantly affect the person's soul.

             The modern age is full of materialistic distractions that can drain the soul,
             making people feel empty. Spirituality, as a concept, offers an in-depth sense of
             wholeness, connection, and directness to the infinite, making a person aware of
             his facets.

             It serves to be a self-focused and personal belief system that transcends
             everyday life as it is directed towards healing the soul.
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