P. 89

A Spirit Has Energy

                                                                Some auras encase the spirit
                                                                just as the physical body

                                                                encloses our soul. The
                                                                concept of the aura is

                                                                valuable in the light of the
                                                                philosophical or metaphysical

                                                                practical description, and the
                                                                aura of a person can be

                                                                manipulated, and it can also
                                                                be healed.

                                                                A person is capable of
                                                                resonating that aura or

                                                                energy with other people. If
                                                                the aura is manipulated or

                                                                toxic, it will lead to toxic
                                                                physical or psychological

                                                                interactions. If the aura is
                                                                pure spirited, it will lead to

                        Most spiritual                          healthy interactions of the

                    healing techniques                          mind and body.

                   use energy points or                         The interactions of our

                     'chakras' as a key,                        spiritual energies are

                   for energy synergism                         essential in spiritual healing
                                                                practices and energy
                     or antagonism as                           medicine. A positive energy

                modes of spirituality or                        interaction or 'energetic

                 physicality for healing.                       intimacy' between a sufferer
                                                                and a care provider is

                                                                necessary for successful
                                                                energy medicine intervention.
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