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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com33FOLLOW TONI WINSTONIf you are interested intraveling or partnering with me,please contact me atfreedomtraveldiva@gmail.comAmong the classic entertainmentlandmarks here is the Art Deco-styledCommodore Ballroom, which houses anightclub and dance floor. There%u2019s alsothe Orpheum Theatre, which is home tothe Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.14. Victoria and Butchart Garden Tourprovides a view of the British Columbiacoastline by land and ship.15. The Whistler and Shannon Falls touris an adventure that embraces the truewest coast lifestyle. The town offerseverything from relaxing spas and foreststrolls to adrenaline-filled activities andbreathtaking sights.Dubai and Vancouver are listed as grouptours on my website Check outthe details and join us!This month%u2019s travel tip is to save $$money on travel by planning in advance.Get out and travel somewhere you%u2019venever been before!Travel = freedom to me! I hope it offersyou the same refuge!Toni
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