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Your mindset, is it something fixed or unfixed?We know that a mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the worldand yourself, and it influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situationSome might argue that your mindset is something that you already grow with and thatyou are unable to change or modify. But your mindset is something that you can growand develop through effort and persistence.Your mindset is how you see the world around you. It is really all about the attitude andapproach that an individual takes toward everyday life.To grow your mindset it's a consistent focus on new, better, and different. It's tenacityand perseverance. It's about having a thick skin and truly not being afraid to learn fastand fail a few times.This month we focus on growing your mindset and your attitude. The lessons that youcan find in this issue will help you change your mindset for the better.Enjoy!Join us on our journey and grow your mindset on the way. I Am. Magazine is alwaysbringing you material to help you grow and develop a better version of yourself.Enjoy March!JOIN USEditor's Note!Editor's Note!