Page 9 - TSG Governance Directory_FlipBook
P. 9


                    The Spirit Gathering is an Interfaith Spiritiualist Church
                    incorporated for the purpose of the Advancement of
                    Metaphysical and Holistic Practices and Studies. We believe

                    in a single Creator/God. Our doctrine is to honor and respect
                    the teachings of Universal Truths common to all belief


                         To Teach and Stand as an example of Reconciliation and

                         To Teach Unconditional Love.

                         To set up a Union of Churches that will enable small churches
                           get started with as little cost as possible.

                         To promote World Peace by changing the Universal

                           Consciousness one person at a time.

                         To provide an atmosphere in which we respect and honor each

                           other's beliefs.

                         Ordain and Empower Souls in their Ministry

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