Page 15 - July2017
P. 15

Insurance Committee. Therefore, the legislation was moved   SB 1706 was introduced by Senator Collins to prohibit
            to the Senate Executive Committee on the last week of   the use of zip codes as an underwriting standard. The
            Session, where it was amended, to restrict the legislation’s   legislation was sent to Subcommittee and was never
            retroactive application to the year 2000. The amended   considered by the Senate Insurance Committee. There will
            version of HB 302 was approved by the Senate Executive   likely be a Summer subject matter hearing on the issue.
            Committee by a partisan vote of 10-6-0 and by the full                                                     government
            Senate by a vote of 36-19-0, with 1 Republican voting   Insurance Companies vigorously opposed an amendment
            with Democrats. The legislation was then approved by   to SB 809, that would create mandatory reporting
            the full House by a vote of 65-47-0. The legislation awaits   requirements for voluntary supplier diversity programs
            uncertain action by the Governor.                      implemented by the company. The legislation failed to pass
                                                                   the Senate Insurance Committee.
            Property & Casualty
            An industry initiative to create a program to implement   The Coalition of Insurance Agents and Brokers tracked 125
            the mandatory auto-insurance verification program passed   legislative initiatives this year, alone. These are just a few
            the House nearly unanimously, by a vote of 111-1-0. HB   of the highlights of measures where we actively engaged in
            2610 (D’Amico/Munoz) was introduced by the Secretary   legislation.
            of State’s office, following the recommendation of the
            insurance industry, to create a cloud-based database,   Chris Davis is IIA of IL Vice President of Government
            whereby insurance coverage can be verified in real-time,   Relations. He can be reached at or
            by law enforcement. HB 2610 passed the Senate 58-0-0   (217) 321-3002
            with the full support of the insurance industry, including
            the Agent/Broker Coalition.

            The Illinois Insurance Association initiated SB 1444
            (Haine/Lang) to delete provisions mandating arbitration
            proceedings in certain auto insurance claims. The law has
            been ruled unconstitutional, and therefore has been abused
            by some companies, as a means to delay settlements.
            Subsequently, this legislation was introduced to delete the
            law. SB 1444 passed both Chambers unanimously and
            awaits action by the Governor.

            july 2017                                                                                      insight      15

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